Monday, March 10, 2008

The long road ahead...

Starting this week, I will be travelling pretty much non-stop for 6 weeks, with the breaks in between being long enough for me to come home, change the clothes in my suitcase and I will be off again. I'm going to miss my cats terribly. Everytime I walk into my hotel room, I wish they were there to greet me.

I had to go shopping today. Not for clothes, shoes or jewellery (I wish though!) but for two sets of toiletries. During my travelling season, I have one set of full toiletries, everything from make-up remover to perfume in my suitcase permanently which does not get unpacked until shooting season is completely over. The other set is in my bathroom at home.

I'm so glad that I'm part of a production team that gets along great with each other and we've had many adventures and misadventures together. Having a close knit production team that genuinely enjoys each others company makes travelling together and facing all of the unexpected challenges that do crop up all the more easier to handle.

I'm thankful I have 2 seasons of shooting travel shows behind me already cause if I didn't there is no way I could handle this project.

I will be buying little things along the way which I will be using as prizes for competitions I will be holding here on his site, like what I did with Beauty Secrets from the East Season 3.

You're going to love it!

I cannot wait til this project is launched! Then you will understand why this is all an unbelievable dream come true....


Anonymous said...

Seems great..! Good on you Sash! Wish you all the very best and may evrything go smoothly ;)

I'll wait for more news soon ^^

Afzan said...

Hi shasha.. can't wait for them.. anyway, i like your blog and ur life style can't miss to read it..

cacah said...

good luck shasha! dont forget to blog anyway... :)

Manis74 said...

Im using Estee lauder make up remover..its great.