Monday, November 10, 2008

more pics from Anugerah Skrin

I wore a kimono which i got in Japan. Instead of wearing a traditional obi belt because I don't know how to tie one properly, I wore a men's tuxedo belt instead.
The pattern on it is so beautiful and a work of art.
this picture was taken by Mr Manager at the event

backstage at PWTC, all the equipment which enables you to watch the show at home

Carmen Soo and Jehan Miskin sat in front of me

'Nik' and 'Zal' from 5 JINGGA!

Iman, Daphne and Naz

only daphne iking could wear a dress like that and get away with it.... :)

maya karin and fazura sat on my right

of course Mr Manager was there

Nubhan and Nikki sat diagonally behind me

Erra wore the most beautiful dress by Jovian Mandagie

Dato Siti performing as the finale


theotherme said...

u look great dear :) love the kimono

sensei said...

the tuxedo belt was a good choice.. the normal obi wouldn't have done justice to you figure..