Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Nikah Ning & Omar

This morning at Masjid Bangsar, Ning and Omar became husband and wife. It was a beautiful, simple and elegant nikah with family and friends. There was a calm, peaceful atmosphere in the mosque and everything went smoothly. It was the most beautiful nikah I have every attended. Full of love and care.

I will let the photos speak for themselves....

Ning's arrival at the mosque. Designer of her gown, Jovian Mandagie on her left looks like a really cool rock star!

The cupcakes were so pretty

Mr Manager Vernon with Kem Salleh

myself and Maple Loo

myself and Sarimah Ibrahim

Ning and Omar, I wish you both a beautiful and happy life together full of love and devotion. May Allah and all his angels bless you with many, many happy memories.


Anonymous said...

congrats! luvly wedding

plug2pin said...

so sweet..hope derang bahagia hingga akhir hayat

theotherme said...

congrats to ning & chris :)

5th_E Taib said...

Splendid lah! managed to catch it on telly tadi, walaupun towards the end aje.

Tahniah to Ning n Omar :)

Hjh Nazli Abbas said...

Thanks Shasha for sharing the photos. Ning looked extra beautiful in her busana Muslim and so do you all - you, Sarimah. Maybe you all should maintain this image more often. So anggun lah. Thanks again. You take beautiful pictures! Take care.

Anonymous said...

I'm usually not a fan of some Malay wedding fashion (of tudung and gown) but Ning's look incredibly beautiful and elegant. Credit to Jovian or to Ning for pulling it off really well? :)

Shopaholic Mama said...

i loooove her silver diamante shoes & glittery bag.
where did she get them from?
but they sure look like they cost a bomb thou!
& how much too, you know, just in case.....

farah fadhil said...

oh.. ning looks sooo lovely!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the pictures Sasha...I've been googling since this afternoon to get the latest updates on Ning's akad nkah...I don't know why I am suddenly interested in celebrity wedding this time, but most probably, it's the kampong interesting and lovely~ and Ning looks gorgeous!! I just don't expect a diva like Ning would opt for a kampong theme, I am sooo proud of her that she has not forgotten her roots... *beams* ;)

Love from Brisbane to Ning and Omar...congratulations guys!!

Anonymous said...

thanks sasha! ning sure looks resplendent and so beautiful. Ning and Omar looks like they're soo happy..gosh, I have a tear in my eye now. I couldn't get online at 3pm Brisbane time today to watch the live nikah on Tv3, so thanks lots for the pics here! :)

Anonymous said...

and er.. *gasp* is that a judith leiber cocktail bag and heels i see????

Anonymous said...

ning looked so berseri-seri. i have never seen sasha so beautiful. u looked prettier with tudung. sarimah pun sama..anyway, thx upload pics cepat.. vern still penat agaknye..

Anonymous said...

tak pernah nampak Ning bertudung. She look extremely anggun. Seri pengantin..:). Thanks Sasha for the pics

PrettySweetBoy said...

Weddings are such rites of passages. They are such optimistic events: the ultimate chick flick…love conquers all.

NOM13 the Devil said...

Indeed its a beautiful akad nikah.. almost dont recognise you, maple loo and sarimah wearing tudung... u girls look sparkling... thank you for the updates, sasha...

Miss BumbleBee said...

lovely pictures.

thanx sasha!

btw, a quick question - where is yanie (or did i missed something?)

*congratulations to the newlyweds*

nik erwan roseli said...

hey sasha , i suka blog u .. hmmm bleh tak if i sponsor u for this coming ABP kat genting tu ? i betul2 interested ...

Liza said...

thanx sasha for the pics, indeed it was a beautiful ceremony. my heartfelt congrats wishes to the newly weds and wishing them the eternal happiness...

Anonymous said...

Shopaholic mama...~ M not sure about the LK Bennet shoes, but the Judith Lieber clutch costs (according to the papers) 5 digits...*panas*...

Izzatul Azma said...

thanx shasha 4 sharing the pics :D
sarimah cantiknya bertudung..
congrats to ning n omar!