Saturday, December 01, 2007

Katie Holmes and her new look...

When I first saw this pic of Katie Holmes and her new hairstyle, I was a bit shocked. I think it looks a bit too severe for her. She is so incredibly beautiful, this is just a tad over done.

I have watched with fascination her transformation to a classic beauty since she married Tom Cruise. But in this photo, something just feels a little off...

However, I am seriously thinking about buying a few wigs. I really don't want to cut my hair but having short hair once in a while is fun. So wigs is the most practical answer to the best of both.


Anonymous said...

hai sasha,,
the-new-katie holmes look...erk,, so horror hahaha
btw, u tgk ke miss world smlm? sigh... i igt malaysia can make to final cut..but ok lah, deborah layak smpi semi..

Anonymous said...

i think she has been influenced by new her best buddy - mrs.beckham to have same hair style..anyway, she looks like a doll..but i lagi prefer her old style...nampak lagi selamba..

^^waniEwaWa^^ said...

mak ai.....horror gile....
betul2 ni dah kena penangan mrs.beckham.....

Anonymous said...

I would disagree though. I think this is one of her finest look. But yeah it is true that she's been influenced majorly by victoria. In fact the whole hollywood is going crazy with victoria's hairstyle. check out Paris's new short blonde do too. pitiful..hahaha..