Saturday, February 09, 2013

'treasure' hunting with Ben

While on another day of shooting with Ben Ariffin in Penang , we followed him as he went 'treasure hunting' for more items for his toy museum and antique / vintage shop. He purchased a whole box of toys from one of the sellers at a flea market and later at his museum he went through them separating the ones he wants to keep and the ones he will sell.

I also found a little doll where the head, arms and feet are carved out of wood. We believe it is from Indonesian. I just bought it cause I thought it was kind of cute and I haven't seen anything like it before.

And when I visited Ben's shop, I found this gorgeous samsonite beauty case, believed to be from the 50's. The colour will match my room so that's why I bought it. And also cause I like vintage stuff too.

I will update you when this episode goes on air for magseven so you can watch it and see Ben and his fabulous toy museum.

Look for 'Ben's vintage toy museum' on Facebook for updates. :)

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