Saturday, October 22, 2011

Chocolate Souffle - I actually made these!

I am really not a good cook. Most of the time what I do in the kitchen turns into some kind of disaster. However, I surprised myself today when I actually made chocolate souffle.

The only little mistake I made is that the bowls / mugs were too big for the amount of mixture i had. But they still taste good. So here's the recipe so you can try it too.

115 grams cooking chocolate. semi sweet is better
55 grams sugar
3 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

preheat oven to 200 degrees celcius. generously butter four 125 ml bowls. put a little sugar in bowls and shake around to evenly coat inside of bowls.

melt cooking chocolate above hot water on stove. separate egg white and egg yolks. mix egg yolks, sugar and vanilla extract together and once chocolate is melted add to mixture. then beat egg whites until soft peaks form. add beaten egg whites to mixture.

pour into bowls, put in oven for 15 mins.

chocolatey rich and yummy!

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