They are cool, stylish and believe me, very comfortable!
These shoes are unique and different due to special technology and design only found in Reebok EasyTone shoes.
I have 3 pairs of these awesome shoes to giveaway to 3 lucky winners!

Then, email the following to sasha_a_b@yahoo.com
1. What is the special design technology in the soles of the
1. What is the special design technology in the soles of the
EasyTone shoes and what are the physical benefits
of this technology? (watch the video!)
2. Full name
3. IC Number
4. Postal address
5. Phone number
6. US shoe size
Please note, exactly which pair of EasyTone shoe design you will win solely
depends on the size availability.
Retail of these shoes is RM 369 - RM 399!
This is a super exclusive competition.
A big thank you to Reebok!
I would love one! Just because if there isn't time to head to a gym, simply walking around in these shoes from class to class would still benefit me. :)
I really really want this shoes!! I am in need of a new pair of running shoes because my very loyal running shoes which I've worn for the past 2+ years decide to rip yesterday :-(. This shoes actually is my top choice because of its technology that help tone your butt and your leg (!!) and cute design! Hopefully i win this!
emailing you the answer!
Because i want to look good, hot and comfortable ;)
As I embark on my mission to lead a healthier lifestyle, the Reebok Easytone will be the perfect addition to my wardrobe.
As a busy mom of two who is always on the go, the shoes will be the ideal footwear for me. The stylist design & unique features will be great because i don't have to change my footwear to exercise.
I wish I come across this entry earlier! I'll be participating in an aerobic show session (for the official opening of our office new building). The shoes that I'm using right now is a size too big (8 instead of 7) - need extra thick socks for padding. But then, a girl always need an extra, new pair of sport shoes: for nature hike on Saturday, jogging after office hours........right?
Firstly, I just fell in love with the shoe and the designs. Secondly, I need a new pair of short shoes as my old ones decided to gave up on me which gave me a lame reason to not work out (yup, guilty me). So i need the motivation. And the ReebokEasyTone shoes will definitely do the trick!
*Finger cross!*
Tracy Ann Tan
I want to have these shoes because these shoes will be an instant fix in my busy schedule.With its stylish design, I get to be effortless chic without having to compromise on style and comfort. Plus, I can use these shoes anywhere, power walking or the mall.I dont even have to change ! Who would not love to have these shoes ! ;)
It's the perfect pair of shoes to help me achieve my new year's resolution (the same one for 3 years) to get a toned body, while looking stylish and it's perfect for my hectic schedule as i can tone up while running daily errands. Besides, it's a sasha-approved shoes, proving it's a must have :)
I would like a pair of Reebok Easytone shoes cause it would be THE BEAST motivation for me to start on a healthier lifestyle.
Besides we have to do it style you know. We could never compromise on style!
I wish to have a pair of Reebok easytone shoes because my daily routine has been waking up early in the morning and run on the treadmill. But that was before I lost my one and only sport shoes last month. Ever since then the only time I wake up early in the morning is when I hear the word nasi lemak. Whenever my friends ask me to go jogging with them, I'll simply say 'sorry I can't, I lost my shoes'. I have become bestfriend with the world 'lazy'! My stamina has gone down and I get tired easily nowdays. I really need to reconcile my relationship with the treadmill! Kim Kardashian said reebok easytone shoes 'saved' her. I need them to save me too!
i love to have the shoes, reebok shoes make my evening jogging in highest confidence level and as if i am a pro... looking at it already make me excited to start my jogging today...
Because this shoe reprsents everything I believe what a healthy living should be-a lifestyle! I've embarked on a fitness regime and this has been my motto. Plus I really need a good pair of shoes, because the doctors just told me my last one wasn't giving me proper support.
Because its striking shoe design is easy on my eyes and its design technology is tough on my muscles, making a busy lady like me feel sexy and happy!
uuu..should give this a try. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
I wish for a pair of Reebok Easytone shoes because I've just registered myself for KL Marathon 2010. I know it's only 5km fun run, but this gonna be my first ever run in my entire 30 years of life! Yes, Im that excited. And turning 30 have definitely open up my eyes how important regular exercise, especially to a working mother like myself. Having this shoes will surely give a great boost to the new 30 year old me. And , did I say i'm turning 30 this 23rd May? :)
A great birthday present anyone can wish for.
Thank You.
Reebok Easy Tone is the perfect shoe for me..
As I just finish my confinement period..
Need to exercise while strolling my baby..
Since it has the balance pods..
Which will give me the better butt..
And I also want to slim my tummy..
Because a healthy mummy is a happy mummy!..
All this while I've been dreaming,
for a shoe that's stylish & charming,
cause in my heart I've commit,
to exercise til I vomit,
but no other footwear will do,
I only want the coveted shoe,
the one and only Reebok Easy Tone,
will make me work to the bone!
I want it! I can't afford to buy an expensive shoes. My shoes that all I have is under RM100 in price!
Gimme please...I love u Sasha...
Dear Sasha,
I think its the rite timing for me to replace my present one...which is already sewn few times by the cobbler..n its not in a gud shape:(
.in the mean time, my workplace had already set up aerobic class for us n its a Gr8 Present for if i'm one of the selected winner to get those luvly3X reebok..look sp comfy,,i'm trying to get those fats away...(overweight) here..so by getting 1 hope it will motivate myself more in loosing those unwanted xtras..hope to here the gud news from u soon...
Lovely nana a.k.a catlovers too
I want this shoes because I want to keep fit and healthy by exercising, by wearing this Reebok EasyTone shoes during my leisure time (shopping, hang out at park and etc) with my family I am exercising without having the need to head to the gym. I am a working mother and wife, who do not have time for gym session cause I spend most of my time for work and family.
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