Thursday, June 30, 2011

Short videos of Kylie Minogie Aphrodite concert in Singapore!

I just came back from Singapore. I went there to watch Kylie's latest concert - Aphrodite.

It was AWESOME! I loved every minute of it. I was in row 12 and i could see her so clearly. enjoy all these short videos I took during the show.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Amazing 80's fashion

Dynasty was a very popular tv show in the 80's, and make many fashion statements.

Joan Collins became an 80's fashion icon cause of this show, and this great video shows why.


And the way the two main characters fight each other, is legendary!

I would be so shocked if I saw two women behaving like this!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sometimes, giving up is a good idea!

I love watching these old cartoons and road runner and coyote is one of my favourites because it can make me laugh so much, eventhough i know it can be really stupid.

But I have also learnt something from watching this cartoon.

We are always taught that we should never give up, keep striving for what we want, no matter what!

But road runner and coyote cartoons prove that sometimes, giving up is a good idea.

Even in this one episode where coyote does actually 'catch' the road runner, he still can't eat it...

Poor Coyote.... Just give up darling... Try chasing something else...

Thursday, June 09, 2011

what a wonderful inspiration!

this woman is an amazing inspiration and can put thousands of people to shame!
she is 74!
and she is fantastic!